What BIC thinks of women

In BIC’s infinite wisdom, they’ve finally released a product that even you dainty females, with tiny hands too weak to hold a pen can use: 


If you really want to LOL at BIC, read the reviews. 

+1 for witty women who can give BIC the tongue lashing they deserve

This fall, SWE-SJSU hopes to send at least ten officers and members to the annual Societal conference in Houston, Texas, where attendees can meet women in engineering from all over the world. To help achieve this goal, we’ll be raising money through various events, starting this Thursday at our SWEet Shop:

Support your local SWE students by buying a smoothie, cookie, or other delicious treat.

Rocking the College of Engineering Welcome BBQ

SWE-SJSU officers represented the section at today’s College of Engineering Welcome BBQ. The event targets new students (freshmen and transfer) with the goal of building cohort support amongst engineering students. Zahra (Wow! Chairwoman, Eileen Reyes (Region A RCR), Joy A. Franco (Section President), and Lauren (member extraordinaire), spoke with dozens of new female engineering students, encouraging them to join the section. Our first event is September 4th, 6pm, “What I did this summer” – come listen to SWE-SJSU officers talk about their summer experiences, from Genentech and Intel to Stanford and SJSU Research. Our ladies are kicking butt in the world of tech. Hear what they learned, and how you can do the same next summer.

(From left to right) Lauren, Eileen, Zahra